lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2023


  Que la Navidad te devuelva las ilusiones de la infancia, los placeres de la juventud y la tranquilidad del hogar. ¡Feliz Navidad!

sábado, 18 de noviembre de 2023

Facts about violence against women

Violence against women is perhaps the most shameful human rights violation, and it is perhaps the most pervasive. It knows no boundaries of geography, culture or wealth. As long as it continues, we cannot claim to be making real progress towards equality, development and peace.’ Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary General

The Stop Violence against Women Campaign Amnesty International’s global campaign to stop violence against women was launched on International Women’s Day in March 2004. The campaign focuses on identifying and exposing acts of violence in the home, and in conflict and post conflict situations globally. It calls on governments, communities and individuals to take action to prevent such acts and provide redress. By resolution 54/134 of 17 December 1999, the General Assembly designated 25 November as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and invited governments, international organizations and NGOs to organize activities designated to raise public awareness of the problem on that day. Women's activists have marked 25 November as a day against violence since 1981. This date came from the brutal assassination in 1960, of the three Mirabal sisters, political activists in the Dominican Republic, on orders of Dominican ruler Rafael Trujillo (1930-1961). On 20 December 1993 the General Assembly adopted Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women (A/RES/48/104).


miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2023

Judging others


What it Means, Why We Do it, and How to Do It Less

"How aboublo the times people have made unfair judgment about you?

What does it mean to judge?

The problem with judging people is that we reduce them down to a handful of characteristics – completely ignoring the fact that people are complex, three-dimensional beings with many different sides

Why do we judge?

The root of all judgment comes from one place and one place alone: Ego. When we see someone behaving in a way that we disagree with, we think, “I would never act like that! I’m better than that. I’m more righteous, I’m more hardworking, I’m smarter…” Putting someone else down makes us feel temporarily better about ourselves.

Let’s look at 5 ways to start judging less and loving more:  

1. Remember that everyone’s experience is unique.
2. Listen and learn.
3. Look for the positive.
4. Question yourself.
5. Don’t try to change people.

"Creating a loving, accepting world starts with us."


 Hi children¡¡¡¡

I have just uploaded the " rúbricas" of the 4 skills. As you will see they are the same I showed in class, nevertheless I think you should revise them .


1 evaluación 20%

2 evaluación 30%

3 evaluación 50%

domingo, 1 de octubre de 2023

domingo, 10 de septiembre de 2023

Morocco Earthquake

miércoles, 6 de septiembre de 2023


 Hi everyone¡

Let me take the oportunity to explain in general how we are going to work, what types of activities we are going to be dealing with and what I expect to get from you.

First of all, we will be working the 4 skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. In order to do this, different activities will be developed such as pair work, searching for information and explaining to the rest, reading newspapers articles, listening songs and series, practising Evau exams, doing presentations, and mediating.

I expect you to participate, to get engaged with the classes, to have a good time and to learn as much as possible.

Good luck 

Hello everyone

 Hi, guys¡

If you are reading this, it means that we are going to be together for a year¡¡¡¡¡¡

Here you are some quotations to inspire you out¡¡¡¡